Article 1 Distribution status
1.CoinTiger Inc(The Company)has one billion shares of capital stock, with no additional issue allowed, and the shares correspond to TCH at a 1:1 ratio. Tiger Cash is the platform cryptocurrency issued by the CoinTiger Exchange and is known as TCH for short. The total number of TCH issued is 1.05 billion, of which 50 million have been bought back and burned and the current total number of TCH is 1 billion.
2.The table below shows the TCH holdings:
*The table is current to September 19th, 2018.
Article 2 Management of changes in holding of TCH by the directors and senior executives of the Company
1. The TCH held by the investors are not locked up in whatever manner and may be traded freely over the secondary market or OTC;
2. The TCH held by the directors and senior executives of the Company may not be transferred under the following circumstances:
(1) Within half a year from the dismission of the directors and senior executives;
(2) The directors and senior executives have promised not to transfer the TCH held within a given period of time, which has not expired.
3. The TCH transferred by the directors and senior executives of the Company by means of collective bidding, block trading and agreement each year during their term of office shall not exceed 25% of the total number of TCH held by them;
4. Notwithstanding the restrictions on the proportion of transfer in the preceding paragraph, if the TCHs held by the directors and senior executives of the Company does not exceed 500000 shares, they may be transferred fully at one time.
5. In case of any change in the holding of the TCH by the directors and senior executives of the Company, the directors and senior executives shall, within 2 trading days after the occurrence of such change, report to the Company, which will then publish an announcement on the website of the Company. The contents of the announcement include:
(1) Number of TCH held at the end of the previous year;
(2) Date, quantity and price of each change in TCH from the end of the previous year until the present change;
(3) Number of TCH held prior to the present change;
(4) The date, quantity and price of the present change in the TCH held;
(5) Number of TCH held after the change.
6.The directors and senior executives of the Company shall not trade TCH during the following periods of time:
(1) Within 30 days prior to the publication of the regular reports of the Company;
(2) Within 10 days prior to the publication of the performance forecasts and performance report of the Company;
(3) From the date of occurrence of any major events, or in the process of making any decisions, that might affect the TCH trading price materially to 2 trading days after disclosure made according to law.
7.The Company will develop special rules to enhance the declaration and disclosure of, and supervision over, the holding and trading of TCH by the directors and senior executives.
Article 3 Directors and senior management
1. The Company establishes the Board of Shareholders and Board of Directors for better corporate governance; the Board of Shareholders is comprised of all shareholders, and the Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders; detailed terms of reference are provided for in the Articles of Association of the Company;
2. The Board of Directors shall consist of 11 directors, including 7 shareholder directors and 4 community directors. The shareholder directors will be elected at the shareholders’ meeting, and the community directors will be elected by the community members, both having full rights as directors. Detailed election rules are contained in the Rules for Election of Directors;
3. The Company will convene the first board meeting on January 1st, 2019, upon which time the members of the new Board of Directors will be elected.
Article 4 Description of the right by holding equity and hold TCH
1. All persons who hold TCH are shareholders of the Company and are entitled to the powers of the shareholders;
2. Since the proportion by which the shareholders hold the TCH varies, in order to avoid frequent and time-consuming registration, the Company will complete CoinTiger shareholder registration regularly for shareholders who hold 1% (10 million) or more of the total number of TCH; shareholders who hold less than 1% (10 million) of the total number of TCH may register in the form of a partnership company;
3. All users that wish to become the shareholders of the Company may obtain TCH in the following two manners:
(1) Users who wish to buy a small number of TCH may buy TCH directly on the CoinTiger exchange;
(2) To avoid unnecessary fluctuations in the TCH price, users who wish to buy a large number of TCH may buy them from other users by OTC trading.
4. Regardless of whether a shareholder is registered as a CoinTiger shareholder, the shareholder is entitled to shareholder rights and interests. Details about dividend payments are contained in the Rules for Payment of Dividends on TCH.